These days, I’m
These days, I’m
democratic multiples
out in the streets
Each year I try to work on a project or two — bookmarks, tiny prints, or the likes — that goes in uncomplicated ways out into the world.
My thinking about audience shifted about fifteen years ago, after working with my friend and colleague, CB Sherlock, and two awesome interns, Anna Boyer and Jennifer Sanford, on the Kinship Circle Project. Together, we hand-printed and shared nearly 5,000 mini Prints that contained portraits and poems on city living, improvisation, and a sense of “we.” (with gratitude to the Jerome Foundation who made our project possible)
Here is one of the poems from our prints:
. . . So here are my instructions: Eyes,
do not dry up. Lungs, breathe deep,
give strength to shouts and songs.
And you, my heart, you have a lifelong task
to be a gate. Closing. Opening.
No matter what, no matter who
demands to be let in. You are only
the gate. No judgement, no questions,
no fear, my heart, but courage.
— Ilze Klavina Mueller